Representatives of EDL-Generation Company (EDL-Gen) serves the 42nd ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting 2024 and the 24th ASEAN Energy Exhibition (AEBF-24) during September 24-27, 2024 in Vientiane
The tasks that the EDL-Gen representative has been assigned in this meeting include: as a master of ceremony, serving to facilitate the delegates as Liaison Officers, recording photos and videos in the meeting, editing the video for the daily activities of the meeting, helping to coordinate with the secretariat in the meeting to prepare the work and help with information work for this meeting
ທາງເລືອກທີ່ຍືນຍົງສຳລັບທ່ານ ພະລັງງານທີ່ຍືນຍົງສຳລັບຊາດ