Government leadership monitors situation of flooding
Government leadership leaded by Dr Bounthong Chitmany, Deputy Prime Minister along with Dr. Khammany Inthirath, Minister of Energy and Mines, senior officials of Électricité du Laos and EDL-Generation Public Company monitor situation of flooding alongside Nam Ngum river on September 8, 2018 in Vientiane.
The delegation approached to the affected villages by flooding to observe the real situation.
After that the delegation listened a report from special team for disaster prevention at the administration office of Thoulakham District, Vientiane province about the situation in the flooded areas. For this occasion, the government leaders handed over 200 million kip for special committees of disaster prevention to help those affected by flooding.
After that the delegation visited Nam Ngum -1 Hydropower Plant to monitor water situation after the release of water through its spillway and listened about water management by director of Nam Ngum -1 HPP.
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