The Consultation meeting between MEM and Vientiane Provincial Officials on Nam Ngum River’s Condition.
On 26th August 2018, Mr. Chansone Saenbouttalath, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mines, Mr. Boun Oum Syvanpheng, CEO of EDL, Mrs. Rattana Prathoumvanh, CEO of EDL-Gen and their assembly had attended
the consultation meeting with Vientiane Provincial officials led by Mr. Bounsone Phetlavanh, Vice Governor of Vientiane Province at Thoulakhom District Cabinet. The discussion was on the increasing of water level along the downstream area of Nam Ngum River during this rainy season. At the end of the meeting, the representative of Ministry of Energy and Mines contributed 50.000.000 (Fifty million) kip to Vientiane Province to spend on the administration cost, and support the works of Vientiane provincial officials while observing the water level along Nam Ngum River. After that the assembly proceeded to the gauge station at Hard Xay village for water’s conditional exploration and observed the citizen’s situation at Thoulakhom and Keoudom District, Vientiane Province.