EDL-Gen’s Activities for National Arbor Day and Children’s Day at Nam Ngum -1 Hydropower Plant
EDL-Generation Public Company (EDL-Gen) celebrated National Arbor Day and Children’s Day on May 27, 2017 in Keo Oudom district, Vientiane province to mark these two significant days.
Dr. Khammany Inthirath, Minister of Energy and Mines and Chairman of EDL-Gen’s board of directors, and Ms Singkham Khongsavanh, Vice Governor of Vientiane province were leaded for this celebration, there were more than 400 participants from various sectors including deputy ministers, general directors of Ministry of Energy and Mines, EDL and EDL-Gen’s Managing Directors and their staffs members, together with local authorities and invited guests.
On this occasion, EDL-Gen has prepared 500 saplings to be planted and around 20,000 local fingerlings to release into Nam Ngum river which is the downstream area of Nam Ngum-1 HPP in order to enhance and preserve the huge fisheries source, both protect and promote aquatic organism in order to contribute in the abundance to sustainable biodiversity and planting is for the rich of nature and maintain the environmental sustainability.
On the other hand, EDL-Gen has also contributed educational equipment and sport materials worth about 45 million kip to Hadtha and Nasae primary schools of Keo oudom district, Vientiane province in order to support the educational of the children on the occasion of National Children’s Day and National Arbor Day, which falls on June 1.
Sustainable Power For The Nations.